Semantic zone of optative in the Nakh-Dagestan languages
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Semantic zone of optative in the Nakh-Dagestan languages
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An optative is a grammatical category of a verb that serves to express the speaker's desire. In some languages, it is expressed using special moods intended only for this. The presence of a specialized optative in the language is an areal feature of the Caucasus, which is a consequence of the peculiarities of local cultures: wishes for good are included in the everyday etiquette of many Caucasian peoples, wishes for evil are a typical formula for an insult. The article analyzes the ways of expressing an optative and related meanings in 16 languages ​​of the Eastern Caucasus (languages ​​of the Nakh-Dagestan family and the Turkic languages ​​of Dagestan). It is argued that there are two semantic types of optatives with different ways of expression. The first, performative optative (most characteristic of the languages ​​of Dagestan) expresses blessings or curses, that is, wishes for good or evil, addressed to the interlocutor, to a third person or to the speaker himself. The second, desiderative optative, serves to express the speaker's desire or dream. Some languages ​​(for example, Kumyk and Chechen) have separate forms for expressing both optatives.
volitional modality mood Nakh-Dagestan languages optative
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