Suprasegmental phonology of the Soykin dialect of the Izhora language in the typological aspect
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Suprasegmental phonology of the Soykin dialect of the Izhora language in the typological aspect
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The article discusses the modeling of a system of suprasegmental prosodic units for the Soykin dialect of the Izhora language. The traditional phonological prosodic units "stress" and "tone" are not quite sufficient to describe the prosody of the basic language levels (up to the level of the phonetic word inclusive) of the Soykin dialect in its synchronous state. Therefore, it is proposed to use an intermediate unit between stress and tone - "accent". The first part of the work defines the key terms for the work "accent" and "stop", and also provides a brief typological overview of prosodic systems (mainly the languages ​​of Eurasia), for which the description through "accents" seems to be the most adequate.
accentuation dialectology Izhorian language Baltic-Finnish languages prosody stop phonology
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